CPCRetroDev 2022

Welcome to #CPCRetroDev 2022, the 10th edition of the University of Alicante’s retro game creation contest. This is the contest that rewards the best and most creative developers in the retro scene, capable of making the best video games for Amstrad CPC 464.

Relevant dates

EventDate (UTC+1)
Submissions deadline Wednesday – 2 NOV 2022 – 23:59
Award ceremonyFriday – 11 NOV 2022 – 19:00

Contest rules



Pos Imagen Juego Grupo Resultado


The prizes will be distributed in the following categories:

  • Categoría PRO: Awards to the best ranked games in the contest.
    • 400€ - Best game
    • 300€ - Second best game
    • 200€ - Third best game
    • 100€ - Fourth best game
    • 50€ - Fifth best game
  • Categoría UA: UA Category: Awards to the best students of the UA who do not obtain a higher PRO award.
    • 200€ - Best UA students game
    • 100€ - Second best UA students game
    • 50€ - Third best UA students game
  • Sponsors: Prizes awarded by the contest sponsors, with their personalized criteria and dynamics.
  • 300€ – Thanks to an anonymous sponsor, the value of the prizes (within the category Special Mentions) have been doubled.
  • 200 € - AUA award to the best game voted by the public. The game with the highest score awarded by the public voting through the Itch.io platform will get this prize.
  • 200 € - Amtix adds 200 € to the value of all awards (PRO category and UA category).
  • 200 € - CPCtelera adds 200 € to the value of all awards (PRO category and UA category).
  • 100€ and 5 tickets for the museum - Arcade Vintage 's special mention to the best arcade game.
  • 100 € - CPCeros Podcast - Respergu adds 100 € to the value of all awards (PRO category and UA category).
  • 100€ - Genesis8bit 's award for the best game with multiplayer options. The presented games must include the multiplayer mode as an addition. There will be considered features such as two player options or controls customization.
  • 100 € - Trusiga's award to the most original final product. An innovative, creative, and artistic overall result will be rated as a balanced set of all parts of the videogame. Innovation in the overall user experience will be rewarded with the most polished and harmonious result between graphics, music, gameplay and technique.
  • 80€ - Ready and Play 's award for the best newcomer game. Those developer teams who send their first game to this edition of the CPCRetroDev will compete for this special award.
  • 50€ - Blast Annual 's best Opera Prima. Those developer teams who send their first game to this edition of the CPCRetroDev will compete for this special award.

Facts of interest

  • A physical cassette edition of all the games presented will be made.
  • The games presented will be of free theme, as long as it is suitable for all audiences.


On the occasion of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of CPCRetroDev. All games containing a graphic element in reference to Larcena's Legacy, the winner of the first CPCRetroDev, will receive an additional score.

Recommended tools


You can get in touch with us through mail: cpcretrodev.org@byterealms.com

Universidad de Alicante Cátedra Santander-UA de Transformación Digital Escuela Politécnica Superior Universidad de Alicante ByteRealms Cheesetea
Arcade Vintage Ready&Play Juanje juega AUAmstrad Xyphoe
Relevo Videogames Amstrad Eterno El Mundo Del Spectrum Podcast Cpceros podcast Blast Annual
AsociaciónAltair Novabug AmstradSakis AmstradSakis AmstradSakis