‘El mundo del Spectrum’ and ‘Fase Bonus’ jury members of #CPCRetroDev2015

El Mundo Del Spectrum Podcast - Logo

El Mundo Del Spectrum

Fase Bonus - Logo

Fase Bonus

It is a great pleasure for us to anounce that El Mundo del Spectrum and Fase Bonus, two greatly recognized spanish podcast and retro groups, will be forming part of the jury that will evaluate entries from the #CPCRetroDev2015. The jury will be formed by them two along with members from RetroManiac Magazine and Devilish Games. Thanks to their collaboration, we now can assure that this third edition of #CPCRetroDev will feature a retrogames-expert jury, with great knowledge about Amstrad CPC and its games, and even owners of real Amstrad CPC machines. For the organizers of #CPCRetroDev is a great honor having such a high level jury and we want to give very big special thanks to them for their collaboration.

We hope this news to give great impulse to your projects. We are looking forward to see your productions this year, and wanting to increase the quantity and level of them for our Amstrad CPCs. Let’s show the society what you are capable of, to increase interest and having greater events and contests every year, and with better prizes, of course :).

Cassettes #CPCRetroDev2014

Cassettes #CPCRetroDev2014

Deadline for #CPCRetroDev is next 23th of October, 23:59h GMT + 1 (Madrid regular time), so you still have something more than 84 days to submit your productions and win almost 1000€ in prizes. Do not forget to read the complete rules and details of #CPCRetroDev before submitting your work.

Remember that you can also collaborate with #CPCRetroDev buying the original cassette containing all games submitted to #CPCRetroDev2014. All money coming from selling these cassettes will be used to improve the contest, its prizes and productions.

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